For Da Folks is an affirmation of my deep reverence for and accountability to Blackness. I feel most connected to my Blackness when I am surrounded by the people who tether me to my responsibilities - those who ensure I am my best self just simply by existing and showing up for me. The energy generated from those people, galvanizes me into my own point of creation and, in turn, fuels my creative vision of Blackness as a palpable, tangible energy source within the work. This imagined Blackness shapes itself when Black folks gather and commune with it through ritual and meditative self-reflection. When tapped into, the energy of Blackness opens pathways to alternate universes and planes of existence - power that can be used how ever we see fit. We are only limited by our imagination.
For Da Folks was initially exhibited at MINT Art Gallery in Atlanta, GA from August to September 2022 as the culmination of a year-long artist residency. The works were shown as in-progress and were heavily inspired by the album Gumbo by rapper/producer Pink Siifu -especially his song titled “Gumbo’! 4 da Folks, Hold On”.